Amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals will come into effect from June 1, 2021.
The amended law, which was approved at the plenary session of Parliament on December 31, 2020, newly regulated issues related to improving registration and monitoring of foreign nationals, issuing Mongolian visa online and at border crossing ports, operating visa center and extending visa expiration date and so on.
In particular, Mongolian visa will be issued both printed and electronic formats in line with international standards. Currently, temporary arrivals coming to Mongolia for over 30 days period and foreign nationals residing for official and private purpose should be registered at the State administrative body in charge of foreign nationals within 7 days after their arrival. According to the new amendments, Mongolian citizens, business entities or organizations who provide the foreign national with accommodation should register the arrival online at the Immigration Agency within 48 hours after their arrival.
Ulaanbaatar /04 January 2021/
source: www.montsame.mn