In the Department of Education of the capital’s mayor’s office held a working meeting of Vice Mayor for Social Policy Aizhan Chynybaeva with the participation of the Head of Education Department of Bishkek Elmira Imanalieva, district deputy governors, heads of district education centers, directors of special schools and special kindergartens.
We discussed the reopening of special schools and special kindergartens, taking into account the obligatory conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, each special education institution will strictly comply with all sanitary norms: mandatory placement of entrance filters, compliance with systematic ventilation of classrooms and rooms, compliance with mask regime and keeping a health record for each child and teacher.
Also, representatives of private educational institutions shared their experience during the pandemic.
А. Chynybaeva noted that according to numerous appeals of parents of special Bishkek children, the SPEO centers and special schools will start working.
In this case, parents and legal representatives can choose the mode of education themselves, their decision should be reported at the online parent’s meeting.
By the way, in three special pre-school educational organizations now are being repaired roofing, partial replacement of the batteries and heating system.
It should be noted that all employees of specialized schools and kindergartens have completed PCR tests.
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