The Head of the Land Resources Department (LRD) of the Bishkek City Hall, Azamat Sagyndyk uulu, warmly thanked the tenants of municipal property, who did not stand aside and lent a helping hand in the era of the pandemic.
On behalf of all citizens, Bishkek City Hall, we sincerely thank the volunteer entrepreneurs:
CJSC Coca Cola Bishkek Bottlers
Mukhtarov E.
LLC Interest
LLC Autocentre Estokada
LLC Autocenter “Perekrestok
LLC Uluk
Berikbaev A.
LLC Ak Shagyl, Zhumaliev M.
LLC Altra Holding
Raimdzhanov A.
LLC TD Bereke
Sakimov M.M.
Bishkek Kyrgyz-Turkish Women’s Lyceum Aichurek
LLC Interleasing
Tursunakunov Erkinbek Mukhambetovich
LLC East Mail Service
Kermakunov D.
LLC Remak
LLC Insider
LLC Shamdagay
Pak Roman
LLC Citylife group
LLC Rakhat kvass
LLC Interpost
Almazova A.
Samatov A.
Borombaeva Ch.
Karymshakova A.
Omuraliev O.
Konkobaev E.
LLC Alfa Real Estate
CJSC Beta Inshaat Yatyrymzhylyk
Tianchiev I.
Abdyldaev T.
LLC Speculator
Duchembiev M.
Makhmutova A.
Kolyada N.V.
Rakhimbaev K.
LLC Edver group
LLC Company Eurostyle
Khaibulina N.V.
LLC Alfa Media
LLC Express Courier
LLC Adequate
Kenenbaeva E.
Khananov R.
Mukhtarov E. (Ak Emir)
Zharova S.
Zhavzharova N.
Mohamed u. Azimbay
Makhpirova U.
Attokurov R.
Khusainov I.
LLC Elegant style
LLC Atan
Temirbaev K.
Esenamanov A.
LLC Interest
LLC Manom
OJSC Keremet Bank
Arzybekov A.T.
Agybaeva R.
LLC Uluk
Berikbaev A.
Kayyrbekov D.
LLC Moscow Investment Construction Company
LLC Emark Group
LLC Amante
LLC Asia Med Trade
LLC Ruby Inshaat
CJSC Shoro
Ismailov Sh.
Teleushev T.
Dear citizens! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Bishkek – our beloved friendly city!