Following 40 days of hard work, the city government completed a 114-page, 30,000-word Pandemic Prevention SOP Pamphlet in English, which will be provided to Taipei’s sister cities as a reference on how Taipei tackled the COVID-19 outbreak.
During the press conference on May 1, Deputy Mayor Huang Shan-shan announced the achievement. She also remarked that the city government received overwhelming responses from its sister cities, and that Taipei is more than happy to share its know-how on pandemic control.
City Spokesperson Tom Chou remarked that the main objective for Taipei to create the document is to offer the City’s experience as reference for international cities, hoping to contribute to the global fight against the pandemic. Also, from the standpoint of city diplomacy, he believes that the document will help Taipei win more friends, as well as promoting Taiwan’s tourism and industries.
He added that the work comprises data compiled by city agencies over a period of 40 days. The information includes overall strategy, disease prevention SOP, Taipei’s innovations, and Taiwan’s advantages in fighting the spread of COVID-19. According to the spokesperson, the translation process encountered numerous challenges, such as translation of local terms such as real-name system and borough officials, in ways that international readers can comprehend.
Chou noted that the city government received positive feedback from 26 cities after releasing the documents. The accumulated population of these cities is roughly 50 million. They express interest in concepts such as quarantine hotels and quarantine cabs. Some invited Taipei to conduct video conferences with them, while others asked Taipei to join their respective disease prevention networks.
Deputy Mayor Huang pointed out that while the SOP is officially unveiled at the press conference, the city government has already notified its sister cities via email earlier. Chou has also taken part in a video conference with the Philippines and working on correspondences with other global cities.
Source:Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government / Publish Date:2020-05-04