Current status of COVID-19 outbreak as of 14.04.2020
Confirmed cases – 19
5 persons recovered
14 persons waiting for test results
94 persons with negative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test results
General information on work of the Health Department of Dnipro City Council
On 31.01.2020 by the order of the Department of Health of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, City Clinical Hospital №21 named after prof. E. G. Popkova of Dnipro City Council was assigned to be a hospital base for rendering medical assistance to the persons suffering from coronavirus induced by 2019-nCov.
The hospital is designed for 180 patients, maximum number of beds is 200, there are 13 boxes for 30 beds.
The Department is implementing a set of measures to ensure the readiness of municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №21 named after prof. E. G. Popkova of Dnipro City Council before providing medical care to the patients.
On March 22, 2020, an emergency transfer of patients from the City Clinical Hospital №21 named after prof. E. G. Popkova of Dnipro City Council to other hospitals in the city was made with the aim to ensure the establishment of the specialized health safety institution with a special anti-epidemic regime due to a quarantine in the city of Dnipro. As of today, the above hospital provides medical care solely to the patients with coronavirus.
Mobile Team
Last week two Mobile Teams of qualified medical workers has started its work in Dnipro.
To collect samples for screening for coronavirus infection with PCR (polymerase chain reaction) system health workers visit patients at home. There are patients who have no need to stay in infectious inpatient facilities, but due to their health or if they were in contact with the infected they are to be the subjects of medical examination. It is up only to family physician to decide if there is a necessity to call for the Mobile Team.
Health Department of Dnipro City Council has conducted an analysis of health institutions network in Dnipro and ordered to re-purpose the following institutions in case of massive admission of patients infected with coronavirus SARS-CoV-2:
- On the 1-st phase – municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №8, Dnipro, Kosmichna str., 19. Since 09.04.2020 the hospital is fully ready to receive patients with coronavirus infection;
- On the 2-nd phase – municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №16, Dnipro, Bohdana Khmelytskoho ave., 19.
Currently, with the aim of further premises preparations for treatment of patients with coronavirus the evacuation plan for City Clinical Hospital №8 is being developed.
Moreover, Ministry of Health of Ukraine approved the list of hospitals for admission of patients with COVID-19:
- Municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №4 of Dnipro City Council;
- Municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №6 of Dnipro City Council;
- Municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №16 of Dnipro City Council;
- Municipal non-commercial organization City Clinical Hospital №21 named after prof. E. G. Popkova of Dnipro City Council;
- Municipal non-commercial organization City Children’s Clinical Hospital №6 of Dnipro City Council.
Measures taken against COVID-19
- 8 hot phone lines are opened for the consultations concerning COVID-19 (FAQs,);
- Starting on April, 9, citizens of the districts with no product shops and pharmacies have an opportunity to use special bus runs twice a week;
- Within the duration of a quarantine multi-child, needy families and families with disabled children receive financial aid from the city;
- Registration of agreements of housing services and utilities debt reorganization has been announced by the Mayor Borys Filatov;
- Municipal utility companies are prohibited to charge penalties during a quarantine;
- Mobile operators agreed to provide doctors and nurses with discount mobile rates;
- All educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, universities) are closed for the period of quarantine, only distant learning is allowed;
- Police is encouraging citizens to stay at home via loudspeakers throughout the city;
- Such public places as restaurants, cinemas, theatres, cafes, non-essential shops (non-food items) are closed. Parks, playgrounds are prohibited to visit. Food markets and shops, banks, pharmacies, patrol stations continue their work;
- Recommendation to follow social distancing – maintain at least 1,5 m. distance;
- Restrictions referring to public transport: only passengers with special passes are allowed to enter the vehicle (for free). The major reduction of the number of public transport vehicles. Wearing face masks/respirators and gloves is obligatory for the passengers (as well as for all the citizens).
More details soon