The City of Tirana has urged its citizens to stay at home and use all available virtual means to have their needs fulfilled during the nationwide lockdown.

Citizens are strongly advised to leave the house as infrequently as possible and only for limited purposes such as shopping for basic necessities, health reasons or travel to work unless they are unable to work from home.

In coping with the pandemic, the city’s administration has prioritized the needs of the most vulnerable.

Families in need, lonely seniors, citizens with disabilities, the homeless and families living in tents after the November 2019 earthquake, are being delivered groceries, medicines and daily meals through an in-house delivery network of social service workers and community liaisons.

Local community centres continue to provide their services 24/7.

Citizens, particularly youngsters, are being called upon to join the initiative #AdoptAGrandparent and voluntarily be of assistance to their lonely elderly neighbours by offering to deliver their groceries or medicines at home so as to avoid them going outside.

Lonely seniors can also reach out through any of the provided communication channels to a team of social workers who remain at their disposal to address their needs for assistance, including in-house delivery of their retirement pension.

In terms of sanitation, daily in-depth cleaning of public space surfaces (residential blocks, marketplaces, parks, roads) and air disinfection take place throughout all of the administrative units of the city.

Schools, kindergartens and nurseries have undergone the disinfection process, while at present all classes of the 1st grade to the 12th are uploaded online through a free platform as well as broadcasted on national television, as all education institutions remain closed.

The public transport fleet has been sanitised while its operation remains currently suspended.

Consumer protection workers ensure that grocery stores and marketplaces throughout the city abide by the specific hygiene requirements.

The city’s administration has shifted to remote working and all public activities are cancelled.

No public gatherings are allowed, while cafés, restaurants, bars and indoor recreational spaces are closed.

Local police are encouraging citizens to stay at home by delivering warning messages via loudspeakers throughout the city.

In light of the central government’s instructions on social distancing, local police ensure each day that citizens who are outside comply with the current regulations in force.

To ensure a smooth provision of key services, essential sectors continue their normal operation while abiding by the central government’s directives during the outbreak of the pandemic.

Communication means including a phone number; regular and electronic mails; mobile applications and online platforms; official social media accounts as well as community liaisons are at the disposal of all citizens of Tirana who need to address their enquiries, concerns, complaints and needs for aid during this period.

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