For many weeks, elected officials and municipal departments have been working in close collaboration with the national public authorities to prevent, slow down and fight against the coronavirus epidemic.
City services will be mobilized throughout the duration of this epidemic and will organize themselves to allow the implementation of the measures announced by the President of the Republic and the government.
Closure until further notice of places open to the public: restaurants, cafes, cinemas, nightclubs, shops deemed “non-essential” . Food stores and markets, pharmacies, petrol stations, banks and tobacco and press offices will remain open.
Since March 16, City services have focused on essential missions for Parisians , in particular: garbage collection, security, support for the elderly (carrying meals), maternal protection and care (PMI), support for patients received in municipal health centers, emergency accommodation, social assistance for children, baths, civil status, funeral services , as well as nurseries, schools and colleges mobilized for the reception of children of health personnel.
Early childhood facilities, schools and colleges
Since March 16 and until further notice, in Paris as in all of France, crèches, schools, colleges, high schools and universities are closed in order to minimize the risk of epidemics, especially among our elders · e · s, particularly vulnerable to the disease. In line with these recommendations, the art schools of the City of Paris are also closed.
These closure measures concern all municipal facilities welcoming children: day-care centers, multi-reception, kindergartens, family crèches, conservatories, youth spaces, entertainment centers, youth sections of media libraries and libraries . All activities and workshops bringing children together in municipal establishments will be canceled.
In this context, parents in professional activity are invited to make maximum use of telework . For those forced to keep their children at home, the State will pay for partial unemployment .
So that parents can organize themselves as quickly as possible, all have been informed of the closure measures by sending an SMS. Families will not, of course, be charged for the days when the crèches are closed.
The parents’ associations of public and private students were brought together on Friday March 13 to prepare for the coming weeks. A newsletter will be sent to them very regularly to keep them informed of developments.
In close collaboration with the State, the point is made with families on childcare arrangements to best support them in the organization of their daily lives.
The action to combat food insecurity is reinforced by offering solidarity associations to recover all the fresh food available in municipal crèches.
The centers psycho adaptation (CAPP) are closed for an indefinite period.
Arc-en -Ciel Holidays: Arc-en -Ciel Holidays meetings and registrations are suspended for the moment. The new organization set up for the resumption of registrations will be communicated later to the families concerned.
Elderly or disabled
In application of the new recommendations, visits are suspended in the Ehpad of the City of Paris . Only exceptional visits, treated on a case by case basis by the director of the establishment, will be authorized.
The staff of the nursing homes redoubled their attention towards our elders, both from a medical point of view and in the proposal of activities to compensate for the absence of regular visits.
The recommendations have been widely disseminated for implementation in medico-social establishments housing dependent elderly people or people with disabilities, as well as day care, home help services and Homes for the Elderly and carers , especially with regard to the recommendation to avoid frequenting places where fragile people are found and, more generally, to avoid contact with fragile people. They were also used in establishments for social assistance to children and with associative partners of the ASE, with accommodation facilities for homeless people and marauders.
Monitoring systems for fragile and isolated people
The elderly are among the populations estimated to be most at risk from the Covid-19 coronavirus. To keep in touch with the elderly while observing a physical distance, initiatives are multiplying in Paris. Find monitoring systems with seniors .
The senior leisure clubs of the City’s Social Action Center are closed until further notice, as are the Emerald restaurants. Alternative means of carrying meals at home will be implemented.
All activities and workshops bringing together elderly people in municipal facilities are canceled.
The City proposed to the state services the provision of several gymnasiums and requested that hotel rooms be made available to associations to accommodate families with children.
Please note, these structures are not directly accessible . Users must first contact the social reception centers (PSA) taking into account the restricted hours or call 115.
The municipal school canteen can prepare daily meals in support of humanitarian associations.
Finally, for the duration of the health crisis, all municipal baths will remain open.
Continuity of service and crisis management
The first priority is to allow each person essential to the fight against the spread of the coronavirus to be able to go to work. The City makes available all the means at its disposal to receive children whose parents are health professionals or personnel essential to the health system. Find all the information for babysitting health personnel.
Following the meeting organized with Martin Hirsch, director general of the AP-HP, and discussions with the Minister of National Education and the rector of Paris:
The City has offered 2,300 places in 30 crèches with coverage in each arrondissement and near hospitals, to accommodate the children of parents requisitioned in the fight against the coronavirus. Consult the list of establishments and register your children at this link .
In schools, the staff of the City of Paris will be present in connection with the rectorate to participate in the reception of the children concerned.
The City of Paris also places at the disposal of the State the personnel whose skills can be useful for the management of the epidemic, in particular the doctors and midwives of the City and its paramedical personnel (nursery nurses and nursery assistants) .
A meeting was organized between the mayor of Paris and the representatives of general practitioners and paramedical professions to study all the means to facilitate the exercise of their activity .
Thus, 500,000 masks will be available to doctors, nurses and health workers in Paris for their protection and that of their patients . This decision responds to the concerns expressed by the representatives of these professionals received on March 14, 2020 at the Hôtel de Ville. An additional stock of masks will also be transferred to the AP-HP.
To cope with a possible influx of requests, borough mayors were asked to plan the provision of rooms to accommodate consultations by general practitioners whose waiting rooms would be too small .
Fifteen maternal and child protection centers will be opened as well as the family planning and education center, 12 rue Gaston Tessier 19th (tel: 01 40 38 84 70), and the Cité maternal protection center, which remain mobilized for awareness-raising interventions with the most vulnerable audiences.
More generally, public service continuity plans are activated, in particular water, cleanliness and security services.
Finally, the Mayor of Paris brings together economic and cultural players to identify their needs with them and identify the public services necessary.
To deal with the current health crisis, the recycling centers (sorting spaces) and sorting points are closed until further notice. Trimobile services are also suspended. The garbage collection remains however assured.
However, in order to limit the risk of exposure to cleaning agents and employees of sorting centers, collection is no longer selective. The green and yellow bins can be mixed in the dumpsters. The bin exit and return instructions do not change.
In order to keep good habits, we encourage you to continue your sorting gestures at home , which will facilitate recovery when returning to normal.
The glass collection (white bins and glass columns) as well as the Trilib stations continue to operate normally. On the other hand, the collection of textile terminals is interrupted. Please do not drop off your clothes and textiles there until normal activities resume.
The City of Paris has decided to close, from March 14 and until further notice, all of the city’s sports facilities, including:
swimming pools
school basins
Parks, gardens and cemeteries
To amplify the measures linked to the transition from stage 3 of the epidemic, the City decided from March 16 to close the municipal parks and gardens until further notice .
The funeral services are maintained . From March 18, on the instruction of the Paris Prefecture of Police, it is decided to authorize a maximum of 20 people for funeral ceremonies (burial or dispersion of ashes) in enclosed spaces as well as outdoors in cemeteries.
The Parisian cemeteries are closed to the public but are open to the funeral business : Père Lachaise, Montparnasse, Montmartre, Batignolles, Paris Pantin, Paris Saint-Ouen, Paris Thiais, Paris Bagneux and Paris Ivry Auteuil, Bercy, Belleville, Charonne Grenelle, La Chapelle parisien, La Villette, Passy, Saint-Vincent and Vaugirard.
To limit the risk of contamination and guarantee the continuity of the funeral service, the conservations (offices) of Parisian cemeteries, and the concessions office (71, rue des Rondeaux) will be closed to the public.
The agents who ensure the continuity of the funeral public service will process, by dematerialized means only , requests for recognition of rights, requests for exhumation linked to an interment of coffins or urns, requests for acquisition or renewal of concessions .
Food markets remain open. Very strict stall spacing instructions will be put in place in order to maintain a minimum distance and to carefully apply all of the barrier gestures recommended by the health authorities. These rules will be recalled at the entrance to the markets:
Respect the distances of one meter between each customer in the queues
Do not touch the goods
Do not make purchases only at the end of the morning
Spread your purchases over the week to avoid overcrowding on weekend markets
All specialty markets are closed until further notice.
Social action centers of the City of Paris (CASVP)
As of March 19, the activity of the borough CASVPs has been reorganized to protect everyone’s health and guarantee our ability to meet public needs over the long term. Several borough CASVPs are closed.
Users can send their requests by courier or mail. However, services remain open to the public, in the event of an emergency, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in certain districts (10, 11, 14, 15, 18 and 19).
We invite you to make contact by phone, before traveling, at the following numbers:
If you are a resident of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th arrondissements: call the CASVP from the 10th to 01 53 19 26 26
11th, 12th : call the CASVP from the 11th to 01 53 36 51 00
5th, 6th, 13th, 14th : call the CASVP from the 14th to 01 53 90 32 00
7th, 15th, 16th : call the CASVP from the 15th to 01 56 56 23 15
8th, 17th, 18th : call the CASVP from the 18th to 01 53 09 10 10
19th, 20th : call the CASVP from the 19th to 01 40 40 82 00
Borough halls
The borough halls remain open only for the registration of birth, recognition and death declarations. No other steps can be taken at the moment.
Please note, the opening hours have changed:
The town halls of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 18th and 20th are open from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The town hall of the 9th district is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The town hall of the 14th is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The town hall of the 15th is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Note that the marriage celebrations and the PACS registration are postponed except in an emergency such as an wedding in extremis or the wedding of a soldier leaving on operation.
Other closings
The municipal vaccination centers are closed for an indefinite period.
The Parisian spaces for integration are closed until further notice.
The Espace Paris Adoption is closed for an indefinite period. Users can continue to contact Espace Paris Adoption on the generic service box: , but only emergency situations will be dealt with.
Travel, parking and gatherings
In accordance with government decisions, since March 17 and for a minimum of fifteen days, travel is prohibited , except in specific cases subject to a certificate to carry with you.
To support Parisians whom the Government encourages to stay at home to telecommute or babysit their children, residential parking has been free since March 16 ( see the decree ).
All parking in the streets of Paris is also made free , to allow staff mobilized in the management of the crisis to be able to park near their place of work and to facilitate home visits. Health personnel can also park in the spaces reserved for deliveries.
The move permissions are maintained. The moving permit issued by the City of Paris authorizes you to park. If your move cannot be postponed, we invite you to mention it on the certificate of derogatory displacement provided by the Government. It will of course be necessary to respect the sanitary prescriptions and the barrier gestures .
Due to the confinement decreed by the government, the “identity documents” services of the City of Paris are closed .
The appointments to file a request for identity documents are all canceled and the withdrawals of the documents are postponed until the services are reopened. If you feel that you are in an emergency situation, you can write an email to: .
All requests must be accompanied by convincing proof. Only proven emergency situations will be studied, in the light of the directives set by the State services aimed at limiting travel.
In order to reduce contact to a minimum, the City of Paris reminds you that it offers many digital services to facilitate your procedures. This applies to civil status documents, applications for social assistance, town planning procedures and numerous teleservices intended for professionals.
The Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry has set up a “ CCI Urgence Entreprise ” telephone platform to help businesses. Contact 01 55 65 44 44 (cost of a local call, free service) or by email: , in order to obtain information on the implementation of telework, the recourse partially unemployed … as well as assistance in setting up aid application files .